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Cyber Security Student Conference (CSSC) 2020

25 March 2020 @13:00 - 17:00
CIS Department, Northumbria University, UK






Supported by 'IEEE Special Interest Group (SIG) on Big Data for Cyber Security and Privacy'

NOTE: This will be an online conference using Zoom software



Update on papers selected for online presentation in the Cyber Security Student Conference:

  • Application and Optimisation of Machine Learning in the Flow-based Detection of Botnets - Kyle Fryer

  • Detecting Spam Email with Machine Learning Optimised with Bio-Inspired Meta-Heuristic Algorithms - Simran Gibson

  • Comparative Analysis and Optimisation of Machine Learning to Support Data Exfiltration Detection - Aqeeb Hussain

  • IP Camera Security Solutions: For Small Offices and Homes - Arron McMillan

  • Making Passwords Safe: The Password Manager - Matthew Chambers

    The Zoom video recording of the presentations can be viewed here (missed the first 5 minutes with a glitch)



The Cyber Security Student Conference (CSSC) 2020 aims at establishing a venue for exchange of information on cybersecurity and its many aspects within the student community. The word 'cybersecurity' is used in the conference title to include digital forensics as well.

This conference will be a very good avenue for final year project students to present their work in cyber security and digital forensics and will be given priority, but any other students are welcome too.


The conference will be held on 25 March 2020 from 13:00 - 17:00 at Northumbria University, UK, organized by Computer and Information Sciences (CIS) department. It is supported by the Institute of Coding (IoC) and IEEE Special Interest Group (SIG) on Big Data for Cyber Security and Privacy. Northumbria University is an Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Research (ACE-CSR). CSSC 2020 encourages dialogue between student computer scientists, project supervisors and researchers in the fields related to cybersecurity and computer science,  along with behavioral sciences, psychology, sociology, criminology, investigations and law. Interdisciplinary contributions are welcome.

There are several strong strands of research developing in the cyber warfare and cybersecurity area including the understanding of threats and risks to information systems, the development of a strong security culture, as well as incident detection and post-incident investigation. New threats brought about by social networking and cloud computing are gaining interest from the research community and the conference is tackling these issues.


Emerging technologies, such as internet of things (IoT), cloud computing, edge computing, software-defined network (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV), have already shown their potential to heavily impact modern life. However, the widespread adoption of those technologies is still being hindered by various serious security and privacy concerns. Moreover, cyber forensics is another critical concern with the adoption of those modern technologies. However, due to the unique nature of these technologies and non-trivial challenges in offering security and forensics solutions for them, there exist several open research problems that are critical in ensuring a safer adoption to the modern era to provide better security guarantee and ensure proper forensics procedure.


















                                                                                                                       Photo (Courtesy of Lifehacker)


== Scope ==


The conference is devoted to exploring and presenting original innovative applications, scientific and technological advancements in the field of cybersecurity and cyber forensics for emerging technologies. Any security or forensics topics can be considered. Topics for this conference include, but are not limited to:

Cybersecurity and cyber resilience
Cyber insurance
Digital privacy
Digital currency, blockchains and cybercrime
Law, investigation, internet jurisdiction and ethics
Child safety in the cyberspace
Cyber forensics
Surveillance, interception, blocking and sovereignty
Network security
Critical infrastructure security
Embedded systems security
Business continuity and disaster recovery
Information security governance
Security management
Cloud security
Internet of things security
Big data and cybersecurity
Healthcare information security
Software development security
Forensics in Cloud Computing
Virtual Network Security
Data Protection in Clouds
Trusted Computing in Clouds
Cloud Security Auditing
Risk Analysis for Clouds

Social Engineering attacks

Wireless Security

Ethical Hacking
Spyware, Malware, and Ransomware
Intrusion Detection System
Phishing attacks

Spoofing attacks
SDN Security/Forensics
NFV Security/Forensics
Security and Privacy of Federated Clouds and Edge Computing
Security and Privacy of Fog Computing
Forensics and visualization of Big Data
Forensics in IoT
Data Protection in IoT
Malware Analysis and Attribution
Digital Evidence Extraction/query using Machine Learning and Data Mining
Social Networking Analysis
OSINT (Open Source Intelligence)
Non-Traditional Forensic Applications
Distributed System Forensics
Healthcare/ E-health security and forensics

Psychology and Cyber Security

Sociology and Cyber Security

Criminology and Cyber Security

Law and Cyber Security
Forensics applications with AI/Machine Learning
Cybersecurity applications with AI/Machine Learning

== Guest Speaker(s) ==


Prof Lynne Coventry, Northumbria University, UK (project lead of Northumbria University as an 'Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Research')

== Paper Submission Deadline and Acceptance Notice ==


The paper submission deadline is 20 March 2020 23:59 (GMT) and paper acceptance will be notified by email on 22 March 2020.


== Conference Publication ==


CSSC 2020 conference proceedings will be published within Northumbria University, UK and will be electronically distributed. We are also trying to get a good academic publisher to publish the proceedings (pending).


== Venue, Date and Time ==


CIS building at Northumbria University (i.e. CIS 202 lab) on 25 March 2020 from 13:00 - 17:00


== Submission Guidelines ==


The official language of the conference is English. Papers (i.e. full extended abstracts) are limited to 2 pages. Papers with more than 2 pages will be rejected. All the papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.


Papers submitted to CSSC 2020 have to use the IEEE conference paper template. Please, read template instructions carefully before submitting the paper. 


The quality of the research papers will be assessed based on its originality, significance and clarity.


All submitted research papers will undergo a review process. A discussion will be held by the staff and student committee members to determine the final outcome of the review.


Submission of a paper implies that the author will present the paper at the conference if the paper is accepted. Submit papers by sending email to with the subject 'CSSC 2020 - Your Name' (for example, CSSC 2020 - Sam Smith)


== Presentation ==


The accepted paper authors will be given a presentation slot of 10 minutes to be done through Powerpoint presentation. If there are too many accepted papers, selected papers will be presented, because of the time constraints.


== Prizes to be Won ==


There would be cash prizes or vouchers for the first, second and third-ranked papers which is £200, £150 and £100 respectively, along with other consolation prizes. A letter of merit will be given to all the accepted paper authors. Staff and student committee members will rank the paper presentations.


== Student Committee ==

Miss Simran Gibson, Northumbria University, UK
Mr Aqeeb Hussain, Northumbria University, UK

Miss Claire Hill, Northumbria University, UK
Mr Scott Gibson, Northumbria University, UK
Mr Reece McDonald, Northumbria University, UK
Mr Adam P Bell, Northumbria University, UK
Mr Ryan Milner, Northumbria University, UK
Mr Saeem Korim, Northumbria University, UK
Miss Alexandra Lazaroni, Northumbria University, UK
Miss Lyra Lambert, Northumbria University, UK


== Staff Committee ==


Dr Biju Issac, Northumbria University, UK (Conference Chair)
Contact email:

Dr Paul Vickers, Northumbria University, UK (Conference Co-Chair)


Dr Longzhi Yang, Northumbria University, UK
Dr Li Zhang, Northumbria University, UK
Dr Nauman Aslam, Northumbria University, UK
Dr Neil Eliot, Northumbria University, UK
Mr Philip Anderson, Northumbria University, UK
Mr Garry Elvin, Northumbria University, UK
Dr Xiaomin Chen, Northumbria University, UK
Dr Kezhi Wang, Northumbria University, UK
Dr James Nicholson, Northumbria University, UK
Mr Gerhard Fehringer, Northumbria University, UK
Dr Hua Mao, Northumbria University, UK
Dr Suleman Khan, Northumbria University, UK
Mr Clifford Brown, Northumbria University, UK
Dr Alan Godfrey, Northumbria University, UK
Dr Jeremy Ellman, Northumbria University, UK
Mr Chris Rook, Northumbria University, UK
Dr Nick Dalton, Northumbria University, UK
Dr Edmond Ho, Northumbria University, UK
Dr Bo Wei, Northumbria University, UK
Dr Mark Warner, Northumbria University, UK
Dr Martin Wonders, Northumbria University, UK
Dr Alun Moon, Northumbria University, UK
Mr Dan Hodgson, Northumbria University, UK
Dr Kamlesh Mistry, Northumbria University, UK
Mrs Emma Anderson, Northumbria University, UK

Dr Christina Vasiliou, Northumbria University, UK

Dr Yilun Shang, Northumbria University, UK


== Institute  of Coding (IoC) forms ==


Registration form: Click here

Feedback form: Click here


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